Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
National Aviation University (NAU, Kiev)
International Research and Educational Center of Information Technologies and
Systems of National Academy of Science and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Kiev)
National Technical University of Ukraine ''KPI'' (Kiev)
National Aerospace University named after N. Zhukovsky ''KhAI'' (Kharkov, Ukraine)
Central Research Institute of Navigation and Control of Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine
Branch of Cybernetic Problems of Transport & Aerospace Systems of Transport Academy of Ukraine
International Organization ''Academy of Navigation and Motion Control'' (St.Petersburg, Russia)
Kherson National Technical University (Ukraine)
Kirovograd National Technical University (Ukraine)
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society
IEEE Central Ukraine SP/AES Societies Joint Chapter
I-st International Conference
2010 Methods and Systems of Navigation and Motion Control
October, 13-16, 2010
Kiev, Ukraine
Principal Subjects of the Conference
Session 1. Methods, algorithms and means of navigation and motion control systems computer-aided design.
Session 2. Methods and algorithms of adaptive, robust and optimal motion control systems synthesis.
Session 3. Methods and algorithms of estimation, identification and simulation of the navigation
and motion control systems.
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