5th Microwaves, Radar and Remote Sensing Symposium (MRRS-2017)

Dear Colleagues,

We cordially invite you to take part in the 5th Microwaves, Radar and Remote Sensing Symposium MRRS-2017 that will held in Kiev, Ukraine, 29-31 August, 2017.

The 5th Microwaves, Radar and Remote Sensing Symposium MRRS-2017 is organized by IEEE Ukraine Joint SP/AES Chapter (Kiev) and National Aviation University.

We invite all researchers, experts and students who work in the field of electromagnetic theory and applications; microwaves; radar technology, systems and signal processing; remote sensing methods and data processing to submit a paper to the MRRS-2017.

Please visit the event website for more detailed information: http://mrrs2017.ieee.org.ua/


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