Голосування по виборах Виконавчого комітету Української Секції ІЕЕЕ

З 1 грудня по 7 грудня 2015 року в Українській Секції ІЕЕЕ пройшло голосування по Виконавчому комітету на термін обіймання посад з 01.01.2016 по 31.12.2017.

Загалом у голосуванні прийняло участь 187 осіб, що становить 56% від членів Секції з правом голосу. Це є рекордом за часи існування Секції! Дякуємо кожному, хто прийняв участь у голосуванні!

По результатам голосування перемогу здобули наступні кандидати:
Голова Секції: Яновський Фелікс Йосипович, Київ, felix.yanovsky@ieee.org
Заступник голови: Пічкальов Євген Сергійович, Київ, pichkalyov@gmail.com
Секретар: Івасенко Ірина Богданівна, Львів, ivasenko.iryna@gmail.com
Казначей: Балабан Михайло Васильович, Харків, mikhail.balaban@gmail.com

З повною викладкою результатів Ви можете ознайомитися за наступним посиланням: http://ieee.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/IEEE-Voting-results-2015.pdf

Крім того відбулися голосування також у ІЕЕЕ групах Секції:
– Women in Engineering:
 Young Professionals:

IEEE Signal Processing Cup 2016


Call for Participation: IEEE Signal Processing Cup 2016 Competition Topic: Exploring Power Signatures for Location Forensics of Media RecordingsThe IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) invites you to participate in the Third Annual International Signal Processing Cup (SP Cup) Competition. The … Continue reading

The third Radar Methods and Systems Workshop (RMSW – 2016)


RMSWDear  Colleagues!

You are welcome to take part in The third Radar Methods and Systems Workshop (RMSW – 2016) that will be held in the framework of the 7th World Congress “AVIATION IN THE XXI-ST CENTURY”- “Safety in Aviation and Space Technologies”  at the National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine on September 27-28, 2016.

MSNMC 2014


Registration to 2014 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Methods and Systems of Navigation and Motion Control (MSNMC) is open.

MIKON’2014 and IRS’2014


Dear Members of the International Microwave and Radar Community,  we would like to inform you that the Microwave & Radar Week MRW’2014 has been transfered from Lviv to Gdansk. Both conferences MIKON’2014 and IRS’2014 will be held in parallel on … Continue reading

Welcome to the IRS 2014

Dear colleagues and friends!

t-logoOrganizing the International Radar Symposium 2014 (IRS 2014), the Hamburg-Harburg Technical University (TUHH), National Aviation University of Ukraine (NAU), and the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) continue a very successful sequence of Radar Symposia, which started in 1998 in Munich, Germany. This is anual Symposium that normally was held in Germany, sometimes in Poland, one time it was held in Lithuania, and finally IRS-2014 will be for the first time conducted in Ukraine in the framework of the 6th Microwave and Radar Week MRW-2014. Due to the rapid development of technologies, radar technique is still an expanding technical and economical segment with practical applications both in civil and military areas. The worldwide family of radar researchers and experts is quite small and everyone from the radar family is cordially invited to attend the International Radar Symposium 2014 in Lviv, Ukraine. Sincerely yours, Prof.

Dr. Hermann Rohling, Prof. Dr. Felix Yanovsky, Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Kulpa

IRS 2014 Co-Chairmen

IRS 2014 invitation

Dear Colleagues,

3-logoI would like to invite all of you to participate in the International Radar Symposium that will be held in Ukraine, more exactly, we will conduct it in Lviv, the central city of the West Ukraine on June 18-20, 2014. The website of IRS-2014 is http://irs2014.lp.edu.ua/ Please contact me if you would like to organize a focused session, represent your company at the exhibition or have any other proposals. Regular paper submission information is on the web. The deadline in February 15, 2014. See you in Lviv.

Felix Yanovsky